CO2 Storage

CO2 Storage is a special type of reservoir accepting injection from CO2 injection wells. It has two important fields to control storage limits:

  • Storage Capacity: the total capacity of the storage, expressed in weight units. At the beginning of the simulation, the whole total capacity is available.
  • Max Injection Rate: it limits the added rate of the wells injecting into the reservoir at any point of the simulation.

How CO2 Works

During the simulation, once the storage is full, all injection is halted, injection wells are abandoned, pending drilling activities are canceled, and a scheduling event is raised to enable triggering other actions. To check the state of the simulation, check the FML variables:

  • "Reservoir: name: Run Time: Available Storage" (reports the current unused capacity of the storage reservoir).
  • "Reservoir: name: Run Time: Has Available Storage" (boolean variable to detect when the reservoir is filled).
  • “PVR: Run Time: CO2: Captured Rate" (Project-level CO2 captured for the current step).
  • "PVR: Run Time: CO2: Released Rate" (Project-level CO2 released, meaning captured but not injected).